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Sadly we missed the actual release for the really sweet couch co-op adventure 39 Days to Mars, but we're making up for it by letting you know it has some additional free content!
Not long to wait for the proper stable version of Stardew Valley's Multiplayer Update, as the developer confirmed today that it will release on August 1st.
For those of you who love your idle/clicker games, you might want to take a look at Chicken Assassin: Reloaded as it now has official Linux support, it seems quite popular too.
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War recently released with same-day Linux support and now I've had some time with it I do have to say I'm pretty happy with it.
For those of you who love your platformers, regardless of them being 2D, 3D, puzzle or action adventures there's bound to be something for the bored Linux gamer in the Humble Store Pixel Perfect Platformers Sale.